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Manage your product ideas
Ohad Biron avatar
Written by Ohad Biron
Updated over a week ago

Say goodbye to spreadsheets and tedious processes. Bagel centralizes all your roadmap items in one place and automatically consolidates their potential business impact and context. It's designed specifically for you, the product manager who needs to decide what to build next.


  • Prioritize roadmap items based on revenue and impact

  • Tap into the business context behind each idea (i.e. accounts, opportunities, etc.)

  • Connected to your book of business - avoid manual and outdated data

  • Make better, factual decisions about what to build next

Step-by-step guide

See all ideas

1) Go to Ideas page

Tip: Idea fields (table columns) are currently fixed. Please contact Bagel support team via the chat for any adjustment needed

Filter ideas

There are three ways to filter the ideas list:

2.a) using global views

  • New ideas - idea status is "New"

  • To Validate - all ideas with pending requests

  • My ideas - all ideas owned by logged-in user

  • Favorites - all ideas marked as favorites by logged-in user

  • Open ideas - all ideas with status category "Open"

2.b) using specific filters

  • Click the + sign in the filters row (to the right of all existing filters, inside a purple box)

  • In case you don't see the filters row, click the filters icon on the table top-right side

  • Search or select from a pre-defined list of filters

  • Fill the required condition and apply it by clicking on the Add filter button

Warning: Filters will disappear upon navigation. Create custom views (see 2.c below) to keep them for later

Tip: Learn more about the available idea filters

2.c) using custom views

Once applying filters (as described above in 2.b), create a custom view by:

  • If starting from a global view -> click on Save as new view button on the right side of the filters row

  • If starting from a custom view -> click on the down arrow inside the Save view button and then select Save as new view

Tip: Custom views are personal. To create and/or amend global views please contact Bagel support team via the chat

Tip: One can rename and/or delete a custom view by clicking the three dots upon hovering the custom view name

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