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Review a new request
Ohad Biron avatar
Written by Ohad Biron
Updated over a week ago

Say goodbye to long and tedious processes. Bagel makes sure that you don't miss out on any valuable input from go-to-market teams. It's designed specifically for you, the product manager who needs to validate incoming requests.


  • Provide visibility to go-to-market reps about that status of their customer requests

  • Save time and avoid the back-and-forth between product and go-to-market

  • Encourage go-to-market reps to advocate their customer needs

  • Make better, factual decisions about what to build next

Step-by-step guide

See your pending requests

1) Go to Requests page to see all requests submitted by go-to-market

2) Filter the list by request ownership and/or sort by its recency

Tip: Request owner is defined by its assigned product area.

Learn more about owner assignment rules

Review the request

3) Select the request to review by clicking on that record

4) Examine the details of that request and learn about its potential impact, related idea, and properties.

Tip: Learn more about the various request properties

Take an action

5.a) Decline -> Tell the go-to-market rep that this request won't happen (and explain why) and/or suggest an alternative solution. Learn more about declining a request

5.b) Route to the right owner -> Select the right owner to handle this review by clicking on the request owner property

5.c) Assign to Idea -> Click on one of the following four options:

  • Option A: Accept go-to-market proposal (if any)

  • Option B: Accept Bagel AI proposal (if any)

  • Option C: Search for an existing idea

  • Option D: Assign to a new idea

Tip: Enhancing the request title and/or description may improve Bagel AI accuracy. Learn more about the Bagel AI matching

Tip: After assigning the request to an idea, it is highly recommended to review and edit the request properties. Learn more about the various request properties

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