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Set owner assignment rules
Ohad Biron avatar
Written by Ohad Biron
Updated over a week ago

Say goodbye to long and tedious processes. Bagel makes sure that you don't miss out on any valuable input from go-to-market teams. It's designed specifically for you, the product manager who needs to validate incoming requests.


  • Automatically assign product requests to the right product manager

  • Save time and avoid the back-and-forth between product and go-to-market

  • Cut SLA time and respond faster to customers

Step-by-step guide

Go to product area settings

1) Click on your avatar on the top-right side of your screen

2) Select settings

3) Select product areas on the left menu

Select default owners

4) For each product area item in the list select a default owner

  • Owner must be an existing user in Bagel

  • This logic currently applies only to requests

Note: Owner will be set only upon request creation. Any update to product area afterwards will not amend the owner

Tip: One can amend the product area list. Learn more about how to set the product area list

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