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Ohad Biron avatar
Written by Ohad Biron
Updated over a week ago

What is an evidence?

An evidence is the supporting data to justify and explain an idea. This includes why an idea is important and should be prioritized or context about the actual need / pain.

Evidence represent sales opportunities, customer feedback, user interview notes, support tickets, or internal requests coming directly and continuously from the various go-to-market tools.

An evidence has fields you can use to describe its key attributes, such as title, description, priority, commitments.

Bagel automatically captures and surfaces the source and transcript behind this evidence as well as its related end user, customer account, and financial metrics.

Examples of evidence sources are Salesforce, Zendesk, Slack, Gong, Jira, etc. Learn more about the list of supported evidence sources.

Evidence can be added in various ways:

  • By a go-to-market reps, via the Bagel plugin inside their tools -> called Request

  • By a product manager, inside the Bagel web application -> called Evidence

  • Suggested by Bagel AI Assistant, and approved by a manager -> called Evidence

Bagel AI Assistant automatically finds additional evidence -> customers who share the same product need or pain so one can easily tap into product blind spots

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