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Import Ideas and Evidence via CSV
Written by Yuval Nachman
Updated over a week ago

This article will guide you through uploading Ideas and Evidence via CSV.

Note: You can only upload new Ideas and Evidences. Updating existing Ideas and Evidence is currently not supported.

Navigate to the import module

1) Click on your avatar on the top-right side of your screen

2) Select settings

3) Select Import on the left menu

4) Select the page: "Import Ideas and Evidence"

Prepare the data to upload

1) Download the empty CSV Template

2) Fill the template with Ideas and Evidence according to the following guidelines:

  • Fields that are common to both Ideas and Evidence:

  • Fields that are exclusive to Evidence:

Note: Filling these fields for Ideas will result an error

  • Other fields:

    • _id , accountId , ERROR - leave empty

    • Status - fill only for Ideas (leave empty for evidence)

Upload the CSV for validation

1) Click in the Upload button and select the CSV file

2) If errors occur (marked in red), you can either:

  • Correct the errors in the UI (you can download the corrected CSV)

  • Correct the errors in the original CSV and re-upload it

3) Once no errors remain, click on the Import button

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